Booking Policy

When you make a Booking, you accept the applicable policies as displayed in the booking process. If you cancel a Booking or don’t show up, any cancellation/no-show fee and any refund will depend on the Service Provider’s cancellation/no-show policy. Some Bookings can’t be cancelled for free, while others can only be cancelled for free before a deadline. It is the client’s responsibility to make sure the payment goes ahead on time (that your bank, debit card or credit card details are correct, and that there's enough money available in your account).

If you think you're not going to arrive on time, please contact your Service Provider and tell them when they can expect you. It’s your responsibility to ensure you’re on time – and if you aren’t, we are not responsible for any associated costs (e.g. the cancellation of your Booking, or any fees the Service Provider may charge).

As the person making the Booking, you are responsible for the actions and behaviour of everyone in the group. You are also responsible for obtaining their permission before providing us with their personal data.

Payment in full must be done maximum within one hour after completing your booking process. Your payment constitutes final settlement of the 'due and payable' price.

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